as I could from spanishl).
To the master Don Fernando
To the suburb of Cayo Hueso.
To cuban popuplation.
In this little street named Hamel situated in the center of La Havana,
is born on the 21th of april 1990, the first wall painting in puplic street
dedicated to afro-cuban culture.
IREMES, ORISHAS, legends of black gods.
In the great forest and montain to say today:
I take art as a public temple opened to all. Where simplicity covers
the nude body, to lighten the pain which ends, the pain which suffers.
To fill up with colors these walls mute and bear for waiting so much.
And with my time which is mine, like you are the master of yours, give it
to have the feeling of being...
To be a fingerprint of the known.
Without fragmented speach.
Songs of my drums.
Songs of my white cloth.
Without being a prayer I am speach for speach.
I am the one who paints on walls and send messages to the dawn.
I'm sorry you critics and intellectuals, I speak my speach.
I sit on the begger's chair and embrace a straitforward smile.
I like the juice of my blood, which is african blood.
but as well I breath deeply to fill up my life and my soul, of a spanish smile,
cause I 'm cut with half-caste blood.
Spirit of the day and sacred night, all are present to send
my messages to the dawn.
The coward runs away from truth,
because lies are like him.